Monday, February 25, 2008

Update 2/25/08.

Another day, another Secret Invasion poster release from Marvel. I actually like the two they've released so far. Hopefully they keep it up and release a few more.

Marvel also released an article about Spider-Man's Villians. You can read that here. One writer said his favorite Spidey villain is The Vulture. The Vulture? Seriously?

I guess on Wednesday I'll be buying House of M: Avengers #5 (I'm sad that it's the last issue), Thunderbolts: International Incident # 1 (I bought a recent run [#100-118] off of eBay, so I'm waiting for that to arrive to get caught up), and X-Men Legacy #208 (I'm interested to see what this series is now about). I am also really tempted to buy the All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol.1, even though it's like $25. I love that kind of stuff. But maybe I'll flip through it first because @25 is a lot of money for something I'm probably only going to read once.

::UPDATE:: They added a Phoenix poster, which I thought was pretty cool.

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