Ok, so I was really tired last night and didn't write that review. I apologize. I will get on that tonight, I've got a couple other post brewing and I'll probably spend most of the 4th scanning comics and writing some stuff to put into the pipeline. We've also been dropping the ball lately with the amount of posts, and we're working on a solution (that might be a lie). Fortunately, no one's really been reading this blog lately, so you probably didn't even notice anything until I brought it up. I do have one announcement. Chris is going on vacation (I still don't know for how long), so we've invited someone to fill in for him while he's gone. If he ever answers my email/ adds himself to the blog, semi-faithful reader Rich (Ahi) will be coming aboard to help out. So expect more and better comic book related madness in the near future.
In For A Penny
1 week ago
I get back on July 19, but will probably be out of it for the 20th to catch up on rest. I started to scan in some comics weeks ago, so maybe I'll do that while I'm lazy that weekend catching up on rest.
Ok, so I had some technical difficulties and I'll finish that review tonight and post it. Again, sorry for the delay.
Looks like it's time for a trip to the ol' parent's garage to go diggin' for comics. Unfortunately, I know no one is going to care about the Green Hornet, so I won't be able to get into too many of those. Although, he IS just basically a sharp dressed Batman with an ass-kicking butler instead of a homoerotic sidekick, so maybe I could convince people he's cool.
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