Today, my list looks like this: New Avengers #40, and X-Men Legacy #210 (which came in the mail already and it was pretty awesome). So that's kind of a relief because I've been loaded down the last couple of weeks.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
April 2008 Reads Part IV.
Today, my list looks like this: New Avengers #40, and X-Men Legacy #210 (which came in the mail already and it was pretty awesome). So that's kind of a relief because I've been loaded down the last couple of weeks.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Worlds Collide
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
April 2008 Reads Part III.
Tomorrow my list looks like: Hulk #3 (seems like it's been awhile since the last issue came out for some reason), Mighty Avengers #12 (I think another Skrull is revealed in this issue), Ms. Marvel #26, Uncanny X-Men #497, Wolverine: First Class #2, and X-Force #3. Wow, that's a lot. I'm also thinking of buying; Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Clash, and New Exiles #5. I'm going to flip through both of them off the rack and make a decision.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Take 10: Rivalries.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Awful Comic O' The Week
Luckily I picked this one up at the library for free because six bucks for this is about $7.00 too much. It had some real potential - Batman and Captain America are both strong characters, and while I'm not a huge fan, John Byrne knows his way around comics.
For starters, this book is incredibly campy and I'm not sure if it was intentional or not. It's set during the 1940s when Cap is fighting in WWII so that leads me to believe it's done in the style of comics when Batman and Cap first started showing up. Even then, it's a lame story. As mentioned, Bruce Wayne and Steve Rogers scuffle for a few panels, then figure out each other's secret identity and team up against The Joker who is also teaming up with - you guessed it - The Red Skull!
The storyline is so simple and so uninspired, it seems like Byrne just half assed his way through this whole thing. There are even a surprising number of panels with no backgrounds whatsoever. *sigh* I certainly don't expect much from intercompany crossovers, but this one has got to be at the top of the suck pile.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Update 4/16/08.
There was also a lot of Iron Man news (man, it's getting really tough to avoid Iron Man these days) and the Hulk's new movie poster. I wasn't too impressed with the Hulk poster, I thought they could have done a better job with it. It's kind of boring.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
April 2008 Reads Part II.
I do have one interesting observation, and that is; what the hell is Wolverine's costume budget? He fought against the X-Men Skrull in the last issue (who was posing as Daredevil) and within five seconds of fighting him, Wolvie's costume got shredded. This reminds me of Uncanny X-men #200-220 run, where he pretty much had a brand-new costume every issue because he was tearing through them at an alarming rate. I mean, over time, that's gotta add up, right? Cuz that's a lot of spandex. Has it ever been explained where he gets money for costumes and other expenses? And he's all over the world too, those flights have to be expensive. I'm just sayin'; it's never explained how he pays for all of this stuff. Does he have a bank account from like the 1890's and he just lives off of the compound interest? What's the deal? And Professor X; was it ever explained how he got his money and how much he has? Because if you think back to how many times the Mansion has been blown up and rebuilt, that's a lot of money right there. And av-gas/maintenance for the Blackbird can't be cheap either. I know I'm talking about comic book characters, but seriously, someone has some 'splainin to do.
Tomorrow, I plan on buying Incredible Hercules #116 (can't wait to read that one), Wolverine Origins #24, X-Factor #30 (Featuring...Arcade. Good God.) and X-Men: Divided We Stand #1.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Justice League: The New Frontier.
There was a preview for Batman: Gotham Knight that actually looks pretty cool. It will feature six short stories that are animated in different styles, including Japanese Anime. So that is something to look forward to. I think it's supposed to be released before the next live-action movie. Superman: Doomsday is also on my list of movies to see; I kind of have high hopes for that one. I'll let you know what I think when I see it.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Take 10: X-Men Villains.
So I guess the question is; who's your favorite X-Men villain? My vote would have to go to Apocalypse.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Uncanny X-Men #500 Cover
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
April 2008 Reads Part I.
Tomorrow, I've only got two books on my list: Fantastic Four #556 and Wolverine #64, but they are two comics that I've been excited to read lately, so at least I've got that going for me.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Worst Comic Book Movies & Other Movie News
Entertainment Weekly published a list of the Top 20 Worst Comic Book Movies Ever. They're not ranked so I can't nitpick one being worse than another. Thankfully. But looking at the list - yes, Ghost Rider was pretty bad and you couldn't give me a copy of Catwoman even if it had a $20 bill inside. Some of them I haven't seen (Barb Wire) or blocked out of my childhood mind entirely (Howard the Duck). I actually enjoyed The Punisher and Fantastic Four but I won't get into defending them at the moment.
For me, hands down, the worst comic book movie is Spider-Man 3. I refuse to give that movie a second chance. My brother got the DVD for Christmas and I won't even touch the case. At some point, I'd like to do a list of my personal Top 10 Favorite Comic Book Movies but we'll save that for another time, as well.
In future movie news, they're working on a Harbinger film which, I believe, will be the first ever movie based on a Valiant Comics property. I never really got into Harbinger much but I am looking forward to movie studios delving into more independent comics. Plus, if it does well, I hope they'll delve into other Valiant properties like Shadowman, Turok or Magnus: Robot Fighter. Valiant always put out pretty solid stories. The other comic book movie I'm looking forward to is an animated Bone film . I haven't finished reading the entire series yet but the graphic novels I've read have been great.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Mullet Madness!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Secret Invasion 4/2/08.
Secret Invasion #1 comes out today.
Digital Comics Spotlight: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (writer of Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four).
Secret Invasion Illumination: Nick Fury.
Q&A: Joe Pokaski ("Heroes" writer and writer of Secret Invasion: Inhumans).
Secret Invaders: Brian Reed.
Yeah, so, I'll be buying Secret Invasion #1 today (if it's not sold out). I can't wait to read it. Brian Bendis has been promising some big things. Hopefully it delivers.